cmon creative
CeCe Winans
Case Study
the power of belief through proven marketing
Our job becomes easier when we have a product that we believed in for 30 years prior. Working with CeCe Winans has been a career highlight for Cmon. Our initial request was to help curate her social media alone and that grew quickly into album branding, music video productions, press photography, television production as well as social media campaigns.
Calvin Nowell
Chris Biano
Brian Reith
Elijah Rodney
Web Design
Graphic Design
Video Production
Creative Direction
Brand Strategy
Creative Process
Branding has always been an integral part of being a band or musician. Now, the industry is more crowded than ever before, with Spotify alone adding over 40,000 tracks a day. This means an eye-catching and captivating campaign extends far beyond album artwork.
Branding campaigns for musicians need to work across video content, merchandise, social media, band logos and more. A musician’s branding needs to be synonymous with the its music and members, instantly recognisable and above all, timeless. These well-known and indie acts offer a range of examples when it comes to nailing a musician’s branding campaign, and they all teach us something slightly different about the art of branding.
A requirement of CeCe is for everything that she does and participates in to work together cohesively. Therefore, branding execution is important for where she is currently as well as for where she is going in her career.
We were honored to do all the in-studio photos to coordinate with the brand of her latest album.
Social Media
Cmon has seen a growth of over 160,000 organic followers on Instagram within a years time.
Video Production
We serves as her creative director for her music videos, documentaries, and upcoming in talk shows in 2021.
Creative Direction
Our role has expanded from social media to music videos and other future career video projects that CeCe and her business team oversees.
We’re Going to Youtube: generations
Over 250k views for the first episode
Over the past year, as our homes became offices, virtual schools, and day care centers, the once clear line between our public and private lives disappeared. In turn, people felt less pressure to project unrealistic images of their lives and grew to expect the same of their favorite creators and the content they produced.
As late-night talk shows adapted to the pandemic, many of TV’s biggest stars started to seem like YouTubers, with the numbers to show for it. Therefore, it became a no-brainer to keep the flow with CeCe’s Audience on Youtube. With that being said, CeCe birthed, “Generations”
Connect to the global community through documentaries
And remember that now is the time to engage in making a difference in our collective future.
Album Artwork
Upon our initial start with CeCe, we developed a brand guidelines based off her favorite colors. Therefore, we had an easy idea of the feel of the cover because of her many preferences from social media. Once again, CeCe is a fan of cohesion and it is very important to make sure all entities work together for the best product. We all are happy with the results.
Minimal Design
Responsive Design
Creative Idea
Social Media
Increased Growth
We have witnessed a growth of over 160,000 organic followers through our engaging content and social media services within a 12 month period.
Brand Redesign
Our initial goal was to establish a brand presence on her social media that causes more engagement.
Social Media Contest
Our team has incorporated multiple social media contests that have increased engagement and sales for her latest release.
Website design & development
We are proud to become a one-stop shop for CeCe. Outside of our social media & video services we also had the privledge of creating a top-knotch website for CeCe and her brand.
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